December 9, 2009

LCRA to Upgrade and Expand Electric Line through Mason

Texas Hill Country Heritage Association

Mason County News

LCRA has notified landowners along the Mason to Pittsburg electric transmission line, a 69 kv line generally paralleling Highway 29 E towards Llano, of their intent to expand and upgrade the existing line.

Construction is to begin in the fall of 2010, but LCRA TSC crews are already surveying the right-of-way, originally built by West Texas Utilities and now operated by American Electric Power Texas North Company (AEP TNC).

The Texas Hill County Heritage Association strongly recommends any landowner affected by this line to seek immediate legal advice concerning these old right-of-way documents. LCRA TSC is going to upgrade the existing line by replacing all deteriorating poles, cross arms and x-braces, and upgrade the transmission line to 138 kilovolts.

LCRA is already driving their equipment over this easement and are having a difficult time staying on the existing right-of-way. Many landowners have reported to the THCHA of crews and equipment trespassing on their private property causing damage.

THCHA will be requesting the directors of the newly formed Mason Sub-Regional Planning Commission (MSRPC) to begin coordination meetings with the LCRA TSC regarding this project. Landowners in Mason County have concerns that must be addressed and LCRA TSC is required by law to coordinate any and all plans within the county with the planning commission.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to our attention and we will make sure the MSRPC addresses your concerns.

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